Airline Transport Pilot TEST PREP -asa 2019

Airline Transport Pilot TEST PREP -asa 2019 PDF

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Welcome to ASA's Test Prep Series. ASA's test books have been helping pilots prepare for the FAA
Knowledge Tests for more than 60 years with great success. We are confident that with proper use of
this book, you will score very well on any of the Airline Transport Pilot tests.
Begin your studies with a classroom or home-study ground school course, which will involve reading
a comprehensive textbook (see the FAA Knowledge Exam References list on page x). Conclude your
studies with this Test Prep or comparable software. Read the question, select your choice for the correct
answer, then read the explanation. Use the Learning Statement Codes and references that conclude
each explanation to identify additional resources if you need further study of a subject. Upon completion
of your studies, take practice tests at (see inside front cover for your free account).
The FAA Airline Transport Pilot questions have been arranged into chapters based on subject matter.
Topical study, in which similar material is covered under a common subject heading, promotes better
understanding, aids recall, and thus provides a more efficient study guide. Study and place emphasis
on those questions most likely to be included in your test (identified by the aircraft and test category
above each question). For example: a pilot preparing for the ATP Multi-engine test would focus on the
questions marked "ALL" and "ATM"; a pilot preparing for the ATP Single-engine test would focus on the
questions marked "ALL" and "ATS"; a pilot preparing for the ATP Helicopter (135) test would focus on
the questions marked "ALL" and "RTC"; and candidates for the Dispatcher certificate would focus on
the questions marked "ALL" and "DSP."
It is important to answer every question assigned on your FAA Knowledge Test. If in their ongoing
review, the FAA authors decide a question has no correct answer, is no longer applicable, or is otherwise
defective, your answer will be marked correct no matter which one you chose. However, you will not be
given the automatic credit unless you have marked an answer. Unlike some other exams you may have
taken, there is no penalty for "guessing" in this instance.
The FAA exams are "closed tests" which means the exact database of questions is not available to

Estudia Técnico Auxiliar en Meteorología 

the public. The question and answer choices in this book are based on our extensive history and expe-
rience with the FAA testing process. You might see similar although not exactly the same questions on

your official FAA exam. Answer stems may be rearranged from the A, 8, Corder you see in this book.
Therefore, be careful to fully understand the intent of each question and corresponding answer while
studying, rather than memorize the A, B, C answer. You may be asked a question that has unfamiliar
wording; studying and understanding the information in this book and the associated references will
give you the tools to answer question variations with confidence.
If your study leads you to question an answer choice, we recommend you seek the assistance of a
local instructor. We welcome your questions, recommendations or concerns:
Aviation Supplies & Academics, Inc.
7005132nd Place SE Voice: 425.235.1500 Fax: 425.235.0128
Newcastle, WA 98059-3153 Email: Website:
The FAA appreciates testing experience feedback. You can contact the branch responsible for the
FAA Knowledge Exams at:
Federal Aviation Administration
AFS-630, Airman Testing Standards Branch
PO Box25082
Oklahoma City, OK 73125 Email:


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