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DASH8 Aircraft Recovery Manual SERIES 300

IMPORTANT MESSAGE TO USERS OF THIS DOCUMENT The generalized recovery techniques and methods described in this document are intended only for general planning purposes and to illustrate the use of special recovery equipment and procedures for Dash---8 Aircraft. The data presented in this document was calculated for hypothetical aircraft conditions or for specific conditions which have occurred in the past. Every situation requiring recovery is unique and the re- covery method appropriate in a particular situation will depend upon the circumstances and the avail- able recovery equipment. DISCLAIMER DE HAVILLAND INC. MAKES NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE WHATSOEVER IN CONNEC- TION WITHTHE INFORMATION FURNISHED INTHIS DOCUMENTOR THEUSEORIMPLEMEN- TATION OF SUCH INFORMATION, AND THE USER OF THIS DOCUMENT HEREBYWAIVES, RE- LEASES AND RENOUNCES ALLWARRANTIES, OBLIGATIONS AND LIABILITIESOF DEHAVIL- LANDINC.,ANDRIGHT,CLAIMSANDREMEDIESOF THEUSERAGAINSTDEHAVILLANDINC., EXPRESSORIMPLIED,ARISING BY LAWORO