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The books in this series have been designed for both independent and tutor-assisted studies. They are particularly useful to the ‘self-starter’ and to those wishing to update or upgrade their aircraft mainte- nance licence.The series also provides a useful source of reference for those taking ab initio training programmes in EASA Part 147 and FAR 147 approved organizations, as well as those following related pro- grammes in further and higher education institutions. This book is designed to cover the essential knowledge base required by certifying mechanics, technicians and engineers engaged in engineering maintenance activities on commercial aircraft. In addition, this book should appeal to members of the armed forces and others attending training and educa- tional establishments engaged in aircraft maintenance and related aeronautical engineering programmes (including BTEC National and Higher National units as well as City and Guilds and NVQ courses). The book provides an introductio

Propeller Aerodynamics The History, Aerodynamics & Operation of Aircraft Propellers - FE Hitchens

Published in 2015 by Andrews UK Limited www.andrewsuk.com The right of Frank E. Hitchens to be identified as the Author of this Work has been asserted in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1998 Copyright © 2015 Frank E. Hitchens All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Any person who does so may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. Propeller Aerodynamics The History, Aerodynamics & Operation of Aircraft Propellers - FE Hitchens PDF



Vuelo con motor alternativo Martin Cuesta Alvarez

Vuelo con motor alternativo Martin Cuesta Alvarez PDF  



Conocimientos del avión - Antonio Esteban Oñate

Para Descargar Click Aquí o en la Imagen  Conocimientos del avión - Antonio Esteban Oñate  PDF.

Libro Meteorologia y Climatologia

AGRADECIMIENTOS Al Instituto Nacional de Meteorología (INM), Agencia Espacial Europea (ESA), Organización Meteorológica Mundial (OMM), Centro Europeo de Predicción a Medio Plazo (ECMWF), Centro Hadley Oficina Meteorológica, Universidad de Salamanca, Nacional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), José Antonio Quirantes y Gero Steffen, por su colaboración en la cesión de imágenes para la elaboración de esta Unidad Didáctica. AGRADECIMIENTOS Queremos agradecer al comité de expertos todas sus sugerencias y comentarios, que han contribuido, sin duda, a mejorar el resultado final de esta unidad didáctica que esperamos sirva de ayuda y disfrute para todo aquél que la utilice. En especial nos gustaría agradecer la labor de revisión realizada por: Carlos Almarza Carlos García-Legaz Enric LLebot Francisco Martín León

libro Observación e identificación de nubes

INTRODUCCIÓN Una de las actividades que puede hacer cualquier ser humano en un día cualquiera es observar la atmósfera y recrearse en las maravillas que la adornan.Uno de los elementos que se pueden analizar a simple vista, sin instrumentos y desde el suelo, son las nubes. Esta tarea tan simple, e importante, se viene haciendo desde tiempos ancestrales para diversos fines. Una nube es la materialización física y visual del vapor de agua atmosférico que, al cambiar de fase (líquida o sólida) y agruparse, forma estructuras que cubren total o parcialmente el cielo. La interacción de la luz solar con las gotitas y cristalitos de hielo hace que las nubes aparezcan, preferentemente blancas, otras veces son grisáceas e, incluso, negras ante la vista. Los rayos del sol al amanecer y atardecer adornan a las nubes de variados colores característicos.Una nube se puede definir como “una porción de aire enturbiada por el vapor de agua condensado en forma de gotitas líquidas, pequeñas, numerosas,

Aviation-Mechanic-Handbook ASA

Aviation-Mechanic-Handbook ASA

Aircraft Instruments and Avionics

About This Book This textbook is intended to be used in the instruction of students in an aviation maintenance technician training program. The descriptions, drawings and graphics in this book are for instructional purposes only and should not be used as a technical reference source for specific maintenance tasks on aircraft or aircraft systems or for other operational purposes. Excerpts from Federal Aviation Regulations and other sources have been paraphrased and simplified in order to save space and time. The author wishes to express his appreciation for permission to use material from the technical publications of the following aviation companies. Beechcraft Aircraft Corp. (Wichita, Kansas) Canadair Group, Bombardier Inc. (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) Cessna Aircraft Co. (Wichita, Kansas) Comant Industries Inc. (Sante Fe Springs, California) Dayton-Granger Inc. (Fort Lauderdale, Florida) Dorne and Margolin Inc. (Bohemia, New York) Flight Dynamics Inc. (Portland, Oregon) Piper Aircraft

Book Aircraft Electrical and Electronic System Principles, Operation and Maintenance

Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Disclaimer This book draws on many sources. Some are facts, some hypotheses, some opinions. Most – including many of my own statements – are mixtures. Even ‘ facts ’ are unavoidably selective and can rarely be guaranteed. Despite careful checking, neither I nor my colleagues or publishers can accept responsibility for any errors, misinformation or unsuitable advice. This also applies to opinions – particularly on issues affecting health and safety. As any recommendations must balance complex, often opposing, factors, not everyone will reach the same conclusions. In this – as indeed in every issue this book touches on – every reader must make up her or his mind, for which they alone must be responsible. I offer the