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PIPER pa28 Cherokee Service Manual

AEROFICHE EXPLANATION AND REVISION STATUS The Service Manual information incorporated in this set of Aerofiche cards has been arranged in accordance with the general specifications of Aerofiche adopted by the General Aviation Manufacturer's Association, (GAMA). The information compiled in this Aerofiche Service Manual will be kept current by revisions distributed periodically. These revisions will supersede all previous revisions and will be complete Aerofiche card replacements and shall supersede Aerofiche cards of the same number in the set. Conversion of Aerofiche alpha/numeric code numbers: First number is the Aerofiche card number. Letter is the horizontal line reference per card. Second number is the vertical line reference per card. Example: 2J16 = Aerofiche card number two of given set, Grid location J16. To aid in locating the various chapters and related service information desired, the following is provided: 1. A complete manual Table of Contents is for all fiche in this