Getting to Grips with MMEL-MEL


The purpose of this “Getting to Grips with MMEL and MEL” Brochure is:
• To help Airbus Operators understand the Master Minimum Equipment List
(MMEL) and the Minimum Equipment List (MEL)
• To explain how the Airbus MMEL is created and approved/accepted
• To provide guidance material for the creation and the use of the MEL.
The MMEL is an Airbus document, developed by the Flight Operations Support and
Services Department. Operators use the Airbus MMEL as a reference for creating
their own MEL, which is provided to their flight crews, line maintenance personnel,
and/or flight operations personnel. It is important to note that an Operator’s MEL
cannot be less restrictive than the Airbus MMEL.
Both the MMEL and the MEL are legal documents that are either approved or
accepted by Airworthiness Authorities.
The MMEL and the MEL consist of component and system lists that are attributed
a “GO”, “GO IF”, or “NO GO” status, depending on their impact on the safety of a
flight. These attributes are defined as follows:
• “GO” or “GO IF” items can remain inoperative for a limited period of time.
• “NO GO” items prevent the dispatch of the aircraft.
The MMEL and the MEL are both designed to ensure that an acceptable level of
safety is respected, when an aircraft is dispatched with inoperative equipment.
The MEL enables Operators to rapidly dispatch an aircraft, and avoid unnecessary
delays or flight cancellations, without sacrificing safety.
This brochure is primarily designed to provide Operators with assistance in
developing and optimizing their own MEL.
Please submit any questions you may have concerning this brochure to:
Flight Operations Support and Services
Customer Services Directorate
1, Rond-Point Maurice Bellonte, BP33
31707 BLAGNAC Cedex - FRANCE
Telefax: 33 5 61 93 29 68


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